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European Med Tech Forum 2015

Vom 2. bis 4. Dezember 2015 lädt die Dachorganisation Med Tech Europe zur jährlichen und europaweit größten Konferenz der IVD- und Medizintechnik-Industrie ein. Frühbucherrabatt gibt es bis zum 30. September 2015.


The European MedTech Forum is the largest health and medical technology industry conference in Europe. In 2014, the conference brought together more than 500 key leaders active in the EU healthcare scene. MedTech Europe – the European trade association representing the medical device and the in vitro diagnostics industries – will organise the eighth edition of the European MedTech Forum on 2-4 December 2015 at the Dolce La Hulpe, Brussels. The theme will revolve around ‘Technology-enabled Healthcare – Connecting the dots, untying the knots. To get more information about the programme and to register visit: